standing portrait of Betsy Thompson, Immersive Meditation Guide & Growth Coach

Hi, I'm Betsy.

...and I'll be your nurse for the next 12 hours....Oh wait! Wrong role. (but for real, I updated the white board, so audit your little heart out!...)

I'm Betsy, nurse, wife, mother of three, and so many other things. I started down my nursing path directly out of high school and am a proud alumni of THE Ohio State University (GO BUCKS!). Somewhere between my second and third child, I obtained a Master's degree too. After 12 years as a nurse in the intensive care unit, I found myself mentally, physically, and emotionally drained from even the most - dare I say out loud- "quiet" shifts at work. I really struggled to remember why I became a nurse at all and couldn't remember a day that the rewards of the role outweighed the unseen damage to my soul. But, this was my career- the thing I worked so hard for and spent so many years building upon. I wasn't willing to let it go without a fight. So I searched for remedies, fixes, solutions, answers....and....came up with diddly squat. I eventually quit my job and dedicated my time to "resting" convinced that would surely be the cure.

Enter: global pandemic. Quickly followed by an ICU nurse shortage... and I returned to work thinking all would be well. Nurses were, for a short time, "heroes" and that coupled with the time off had to be the solution to recreate that soul quenching joy and satisfaction I felt as a new nurse. And off to save the world I went. First assignment went great. Second assignment landed me even deeper into the burnout. Third assignment, game over. But I'm a nurse so of course I continued until there was an undeniable decision staring me square in the face: quit nursing entirely (goodbye 7 years of college, 12 years of my career, steady income, my contribution to the world) or find a sustainable REAL solution. I know it sounds a bit dramatic, but if you have ever been in a state of severe burnout, I know you can relate to this. Desperate to find relief, I began to meditate prior to walking into the hospital and that is where the magic happened. I started to feel better within two weeks (marginally but at that point ANY progress was positive). My co-workers also noticed I wasn't running around like a headless chicken, stressed, chaotic, and short-fused. Thus my life-changing journey had begun.

Now I have a daily practice of self-care (with no guilty feelings!) and can show up as my best self to work, at home, and in everything I do. And I am dedicated to help pull my fellow nurses from that same pit of despair into a better place full of calm, satisfaction, and joy! 

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Reignite your soul!

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